TJ Crew Volunteer Policy
Help make this season a success by volunteering to support TJ Crew!
ALL families are required to earn four (4) volunteer points per year:
VASRA Assignments (2 points)
TJ Crew Assignments (1 point)
Novice Families Bus Chaperoning (1 point)
A volunteer point system has been designed to provide families a flexible framework for fulfilling the TJ Crew volunteer requirement of four points per year. Click on the red Volunteer Sign Up Sheet to choose your volunteer dates/positions:
Volunteer roles will vary in length of time and value, but there are many from which you can choose. Links to all available opportunities are in our weekly newsletter and posted to the TJ Slack channel. The TJ Crew Volunteer Coordinator will be tracking family volunteer points, please reach out to with any questions. For more details on the point system, please see the TJ Crew Volunteer Policy. We also welcome participation on the TJ Crew Booster Board.
VASRA Volunteer Positions
The Virginia Scholastic Rowing Association (VASRA) requires each of its member schools, including TJ Crew, to provide volunteers to support the scholastic competitive rowing regattas on the Occoquan Reservoir at Sandy Run Regional Park.
TJ Crew participates in approximately seven VASRA-sponsored regattas per season. VASRA assigns schools volunteer positions at each regatta based on the number of students involved in the school’s crew program. TJ Crew is one of the larger teams and receives 8-11 volunteer assignments for each regatta. TJ Crew volunteers are truly vital.
VASRA will fine us $50 for each volunteer position that goes unfilled. TJ Crew typically provides at least two launch boat drivers and a variety of other volunteers to help sell food concessions, collect money for van rides, time at the finish line or set up/take down the course.
All VASRA regatta assignments, with the exception of launch boat driving, will include on-the-job training. TJ Crew will provide launch boat training (dates tbd). See VASRA Volunteer Role Descriptions* for more details.
Help is also needed before the season to prepare the equipment and to lay out lines and markers for the race course, and then to retrieve and store everything after the season.
TJ Crew Volunteer Positions
Each TJ Crew family is required to sign up for at least one TJ Crew job during the crew season. TJ Crew jobs support our crew team, coaches, and families. Examples include “manning” the food tent during the regatta days, hosting pasta parties for the crew team on Friday nights prior to a regatta, setting up/ taking down the tents at away regattas, or serving on the booster board.
Here are the current volunteer signups (click on the red to access the SignUps):